All you need is love.......

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                                                                                               photos: by me

Hey sweeties, i was really busy these days and i didn't have time to make posts, or even check my profiles and email,  it was for a good cause so you will forgive me! :) I was at my friend's wedding, lovely girl Marija, and we had really great day! You can see the part of  my photos, i was playing with the camera for a while! :) Hope that you will like it! Tomorrow, i will show you complete outfit!

Sigurno ste se pitali zbog čega me nije bilo ovih dana, pa vam danas dajem odgovor u slikama! :) Bila sam na venčanju moje divne drugarice Marije, učestvovala malo u slatkim pripremama, igrala se sa aparatom dok je pozirala fotografima, uživala, radovala se, igrala dok noge nisu same stale, sve u svemu savršen produženi vikend!
Nadam se da sam vam nedostajala bar malo, jer vi meni svakako jeste! :)
p.s. sutra vas očekuje "svadbarski" outfit! ;)

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