Bloggers and mt:s ....

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We had causal blogger meeting with social media team from our communication company "mt:s" yesterday, and this is what we got! :) Yaaay! We were invited as social media experts to try out LG Optimus, Android smartphone and applications, so that mt:s can improve their services and make them even better for us, who can't live without internet, blogger and all social networks. I admit that im addicted! :) Beside Jelena, Marina and me, these phones will also be tested by our young programmers, and people who know a lot about androids, platforms, OS, applications and many other things, so im very thankful cause im in this group of great, smart people! :) Love, how my blog ( and photos) looks like on LG! ;)
Kesa, poklončići i telefon! :)
Juče smo imali casual blogerski sastanak sa mt:s social media timom, na koji smo bili pozvani kao eksperti na polju društvenih medija! Eksperti?Zar ne zvuči odlično! :)
Pored Marine, Jelene i mene, ovom druženju su prisustovali i drugi blogeri koje se ne bave modom, te mi je  drago mi  što sam ih upoznala! :)
Ovi android telefoni će biti u našim rukama narednih mesec dana, a sve u cilju približivanja ovog operatera svojim korisnicima i poboljšanja usluga. Hvalaaa! :) Prstići mi ne staju... :)
Moram vam priznati da mi se baš dopada kako izgleda blog preko LG-a, kao i moja sličica! :) #nisamnarcisvolimhortenzije

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